Administrator Guide

Administrator Guide


On this page we have collected all the information you need as Confluence administrator or Space administrator.
The settings below influences the general behavior of IssueCreate macro.

Create Jira connection with Application link

IssueCreate requires an Application Link between Confluence and Jira.
(You may have more Jira instances. It is possible to make more Application Links to them.)


The application link is a built-in tool that helps integration between Atlassians applications.
Confluence administrator rights needed to setup this kind of integration.

IssueCreate uses this link to initiate standard Jira REST calls for:

  • getting information on

    • projects, issue types and fields

    • field values such as labels, organizations, sprints and other field information

  • creating issues

  • creating links between the issues and the Confluence pages

The Application link is responsible for authentication, the IssueCreate application does not store any user or authentication data.
The link can be created from both Confluence and Jira servers.








Descriptions – How to create Application Link?

… to Confluence: Linking to Another Application
… to Jira: Using AppLinks to link to other applications

For more information, for example on security or troubleshooting, please visit:
Application Links Documentation, Link Atlassian applications to work together


Application Configuration

To open the IssueCreate cofiguration in Confluence (with Confluence administrator rights): 

  1. Choose   → Manage Apps

  2. Locate IssueCreate configuration and select it.


Default issue type
Here you can define the default issue type that will be selected in the macro insert screen.

The number of autocomplete options that appear in the header tooltips
You can set the default value of ‘Autocomp. rows - suggestions (in header)’ parameter.

The number of autocomplete options displayed at input
You can set the default value of ‘Autocomp. rows - items (in cell)’ parameter.


Connect spaces with JIRA projects

Confluence spaces can be connected with Jira projects to facilitate the use of IssueCreate for users.
The connection helps in parameterization to select the project linked to the space automatically, if the list includes it.

There is two ways to utilise this possibility:

  1. If you insert an IssueCreate to a page, the linked project will be choosen in Project field.

  2. You can generalize the macro behavior in templates.
    If you create a page from a template that contains the IssueCreate macro where the project parameter is empty, the selected project will be defined by the project linked to the space.


The steps you need to setup Space<->Jira project connection (with Space administrator rights):


1. Click on Space tools ()→ Integrations




2. Choose the Application Links tab by clicking on it and click the Add Link. button. The relevant Jira application can be selected from the list.


3. Start typing the name or key of the project you want to link to.

Logging configuration

A separate log file can be defined for IssueCreate application.

Copy the following lines to the system file available at <CONFLUENCE-INSTALL>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties

log4j.appender.tcic.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p [%t] [%c{4}] %M %m%n
log4j.logger.org.takecontrol.plugins.issuecreate=DEBUG, tcic

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